Camden County Auditor

Jimmy Laughlin
The Auditor’s Office is located at:
1 Court Circle NW, Suite 7
Camdenton, Missouri 65020
1 Court Circle NW, Suite 7
Camdenton, Missouri 65020
573-346-4440 EXT 1340
Mission Statment
The mission of the Camden County Auditor’s Office under the direction of Auditor Jimmy Laughlin is to promote and provide transparency in the government financial processes, in addition to monitoring appropriate expenditures and providing fnancial accountability of tax dollars to the citizens of Camden County.
Camden County Auditor History
- 6/2017-Present Jimmy Laughlin-Republican appointed by Greitens after the retirement of Capps
- 1/1999-5/2017 Ronnie Capps-Republican elected (Retired 5/2017)
- 5/1998-12/1998 Joy Worn-Democrat appointed by Carnahan after death of May
- 4/1997-4/1998 Pam May-Democrat appointed by Carnahan when Camden County became a first class county.
Documents Of Interest
County Budgets
Audit reports
County Auditor Duties
The County Auditor serves as the accounting officer and budget officer of the county and is responsible for establishing, overseeing and monitoring the accounting and budget systems of the County for financial reporting and budget processes.
Those processes and systems include but are not limited to:
- Establishing and monitoring of internal controls and procedures of the County
- Establishing and monitoring of internal controls and procedures for Federal and State grants; such as FEMA, SEMA, WIC programs, etc.
- Prepare and oversee all county budgets, scheduling and submitting the proposed budget to the commission annually
- Keep accounts of all appropriation and expenditures made by the County Commission
- No warrant (bill) shall be drawn/obligated without certification that an unencumbered balance is available to draw from. Auditor’s office reviews roughly 5300 requisitions and purchase orders annually.
- Audit, examine and adjust all accounts, demands, and claims of every kind and character presented for payment against the county
- In discretion approved all lawful, true, just and legal account demands and claims of every kind payable out of County revenue or funds BEFORE the same shall be allowed and a warrant issued therefore by the Commission
- When necessary to examine any account, demand or claim, the audit may examine the parties, witnesses and other on oath or affirmation touching any matter or circumstance in the examination of such account before allowing the account, demand or claim
- Keep a correct account between the County and all county and township officer and examine all records and settlements made by them for and with the County Commission or with each other
- Countersign all licenses issued for the sale of intoxicating liquor and keep a record of all county licenses issued
- Make monthly reports to the County Commission showing the condition of the accounts of each County officer as by them reported to him/her for the previous month
- Compiling information for the yearly outside audit of the County and other audits
- Keep and perform inventory of all County property under the control and management of the various officers/departments